Parasitic organism is a parasitic organism that lives are always
detrimental to the life he lived organisms (host). Like the worms parasitic
organism that is very disturbing because it raises human welfare
kecacingan.Infection worm disease is still common across the region Indonesia.
Infection caused by infection worm
is classified as a disease that received less attention, because they are often
regarded as a disease that does not cause outbreaks or deaths. However,
the actual worm disease sufferers experience enough to make losses, because
slowly the worm infestation in the patient's body will cause interference with
the health begin mild, moderate to severe clinical manifestations of which are
shown as a reduction in appetite, discomfort in the abdomen, itching
- itching, allergies, anemia, malnutrition, pneumonitis, Loeffler syndrome and
others - others.
Worm disease is often associated with sufferers of environmental
conditions, socio-economic and education levels of people with the disease
penderita.Salah worm is still a lot going on in the Indonesian population is
the group that caused the Soil-Transmitted helminth intestinal nematode groups
in the transmission or in the life cycle through soil media. Infection
by intestinal nematodes are usually associated with bad hygiene.Infeksi is
always there, especially in the tropics and subtropis.Serangan worms in small
amounts is usually asymptomatic but severe infections can cause serious
problems, especially in children - children who are usually followed by delays
in the development of children. (D Greenwood, 2007; GF Brooks, 2006)
Worm disease problem in Indonesia is closely related to climate and
individual personal hygiene, home and the surrounding environment as well as
high population density. During
the rainy season, the air is moist, dirt floor homes, low health sanitation
knowledge were factors in the high incidence of worm disease.
The most appropriate way to address and eradicate the parasite is to break
the cycle of living worms, periodic mass treatment, improvement of
environmental health, public health education and prevent soil contamination by
feces of patients.
Worm disease
Intestinal worm disease in humans is often referred to as intestinal worms,
most of these helminth infection occurs through tanah.Infeksi by intestinal
nematodes are usually associated with bad hygiene.Oleh because it is classified
in the group of worms that are transmitted via soil or Soil-Transmitted
Helminths. Were
included in the group Soil-Transmitted helminth intestinal nematode Ascaris
lumbricoides is, Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides stercoralis and Hookworm
(Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus)
In Indonesia is
known as worm worm gelang.Predileksi adult worms present in the lumen of the
human intestine, but is sometimes encountered wandering to other parts of the intestine.
can occur through several means, namely the entry of infective eggs through
contaminated food and beverages and through dirty hands or inhalation of air
contaminated with dust infektifnya eggs.
Ascaris lumbricoides which causes ascariasis disease transmission occurs via infected food by the developing eggs and larvae in the intestine.Larva penetrate the intestinal wall, through the heart and then to the lungs. After reaches the throat, then swallowed larvae and breeding became worm adults in the intestine halus.Gejala clinic on ascariasis can be caused by adult worms and larvae, adult worms live between mucosal folds of the small intestine and can cause irritation that can cause discomfort in the abdomen, nausea and abdominal pain are not real. Sometimes worms adults carried towards the mouth due to regurgitation and spit out, so out through the mouth or nose. Or can get into the intestinal tube eustachii.Dinding be penetrated by adult worms that cause peritonitis. Worms in large quantities will cause a blockage in the intestinal lumen and the toxin it produces will cause the manifestation of poisoning, for example, face edema, uticaria and decreased appetite. Larval migration to the lungs and can cause allergies such as urticaria eosinofili, symptoms of pulmonary infiltration, swollen lips and on Lofflers syndrome. Larvae migrate to other organs can cause endophthalmitis, meningitis and encephalitis. In children, the symptoms often seen protruding belly, pale, listless, rare and red hair and thin due to nutritional deficiency and anemia. (WK Joklik, 1992; Natadisastra Agoes D and R, 2009; Neva A HW and Brown, 1994)
Ascaris lumbricoides which causes ascariasis disease transmission occurs via infected food by the developing eggs and larvae in the intestine.Larva penetrate the intestinal wall, through the heart and then to the lungs. After reaches the throat, then swallowed larvae and breeding became worm adults in the intestine halus.Gejala clinic on ascariasis can be caused by adult worms and larvae, adult worms live between mucosal folds of the small intestine and can cause irritation that can cause discomfort in the abdomen, nausea and abdominal pain are not real. Sometimes worms adults carried towards the mouth due to regurgitation and spit out, so out through the mouth or nose. Or can get into the intestinal tube eustachii.Dinding be penetrated by adult worms that cause peritonitis. Worms in large quantities will cause a blockage in the intestinal lumen and the toxin it produces will cause the manifestation of poisoning, for example, face edema, uticaria and decreased appetite. Larval migration to the lungs and can cause allergies such as urticaria eosinofili, symptoms of pulmonary infiltration, swollen lips and on Lofflers syndrome. Larvae migrate to other organs can cause endophthalmitis, meningitis and encephalitis. In children, the symptoms often seen protruding belly, pale, listless, rare and red hair and thin due to nutritional deficiency and anemia. (WK Joklik, 1992; Natadisastra Agoes D and R, 2009; Neva A HW and Brown, 1994)
duodenale and Necator americanus
This worm known as
hookworm. Predilection
for adult worms in the small intestine mucosa, especially in the duodenal
mucosa and human jejenum. Both
species of this worm attaches itself to the mucous membrane of the small
intestine using a chitin tooth or teeth cutting and sucking the blood from the
bite wound. (A Neva and Brown
HW.1994; Markell EK et al, 1992)
duodenale worms cause ancylostomiasis the disease transmission occurs by larvae
that enter the broken skin on the feet and cause reactions lokal.Setelah
entering the vein, the larvae to the lungs and bronchi ultimately to the
gastrointestinal tract. Hookworm
is also associate themselves with the intestinal mucosa and blood sucking up to
host a pretty serius.Gejala anemia of hookworm infection can be caused by
larvae and adult worms. When
the larvae penetrate the skin and formed maculopapula erithema often
accompanied by intense itching (ground itch). Larval
migration to the lungs can cause bronchitis or pneumonitis. Adult
worms attached and injured intestinal mucosa will cause an uneasy feeling in
the stomach, nausea and diarrhea. An
adult worms suck blood from 0.2 to 0.3 ml / day, may cause anemia sehinnga
progressive, hypokromik, mikrositer, type iron efficiency. Clinical
symptoms usually appear after it appears the anemia, in severe infections,
hemoglobin can be dropped up to 2 g%, shortness of breath, weakness and
dizziness kepala.Kelemahan heart may occur due to changes in the heart that
form of hypertropi, noisy valves and pulse cepat.Infeksi in children can
cause physical retardation and mental.Infeksi Ancylostoma duodenale heavier
than the infection by Necator americanus. (WK
Joklik, 1992; Natadisastra Agoes D and R, 2009; Neva A HW and Brown, 1994)
3. Trichuris trichiura
3. Trichuris trichiura
This worm is also
known as worm cambuk.Predileksi this worm in the human cecum mucosa. (A Neva
and HW Brown, 1994). Worm Trichuris trichiura trichiuriasis cause the disease
that the mode of transmission occurs through infected food and water. Trichuriasis
most commonly affects children aged 1-5 years, mild infection is usually
asymptomatic. In
severe infection, the worm spread throughout the colon and rectum are sometimes
seen in the rectal mucosa prolapse. Chronic
and severe infections show symptoms of severe anemia, low hemoglobin once can
reach 3 g%, due to a blood sucking worms every day 0,005 cc, diarrhea with
feces and contain a little bit of blood, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and
weight loss ,
sometimes accompanied by prolapse recti. (WK
Joklik, 1992; Natadisastra Agoes D and R, 2009; Neva A HW and Brown, 1994)
4. Strongyloides stercoralis
This worm is also called worm benang.Predileksi adult worms in the small intestine mucosa, especially the duodenum and jejunum manusia.Cacing Strongyloides stercoralis strongyloidiasis cause disease that is transmitted through the thread-shaped larvae that penetrate kulit.Larva can be identified in the stool, which does not contain eggs . Since the auto-reinfection occurs, the worms can survive for decades in the mucosa of the upper small intestine Strongylidiasis light usually causes no symptoms, the infection being a nesting female adult worms in the duodenal mucosa causing feelings of burning, prickling in the epigastric region, accompanied by a sense of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea alternating with constipation. In the severe and chronic infections resulting in weight loss, anemia, chronic dysentery and mild fever caused by a secondary bacterial infection on intestinum.Death lesions can occur due to worm breeding females in almost all the intestinal epithelium, covers an area of the stomach up to the distal colon were accompanied secondary bacterial infection. (Natadisastra Agoes D and R, 2009). autoinfeksi may be the mechanism of the occurrence of long-term persistent infection and many tahun.Parasit and hospesnyan in the state of equilibrium so that no significant damage. If by any reason, the balance is disturbed and the patient's immune conditions declined, then the infection will spread and increase the production of larvae and larvae can be found in any body tissue. This is called the syndrome hiperinfeksi. (Gracia, 1977)
Factors - Factors Affecting worm disease
Defecation behavior is not the latrines contaminate soil by hookworm ova thereby increasing the risk of infection, especially in people or children - children who do not wear shoes kaki.Anak who live in families that have a habit of defecation in the garden and elsewhere the home page, hookworm infection risk 4.3 times greater than the children who lived with a family who has a habit of defecation in latrines. (Sumanto D, 2010)
Sanitation is a risk factor for the incidence of hookworm infection, children who live in homes with poor sanitation are at risk of 3.5 times greater than the hookworm-infected children living in homes with good sanitation. (Sumanto D, 2010)
Climatic factors such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, may be an important factor in the prevalence of Soil-Transmitted helminth infections in Bali. Low education levels, personal hygiene and poor environment, low socioeconomic and behavior are also other factors that effect. (Wijana DP and Sitisna P, 2000). Developed in rich countries and many parasitic diseases that can be eradicated, otherwise in poor and underdeveloped countries showed a higher prevalence of parasites. (Onggowaluyo JS, 2001)
4. Strongyloides stercoralis
This worm is also called worm benang.Predileksi adult worms in the small intestine mucosa, especially the duodenum and jejunum manusia.Cacing Strongyloides stercoralis strongyloidiasis cause disease that is transmitted through the thread-shaped larvae that penetrate kulit.Larva can be identified in the stool, which does not contain eggs . Since the auto-reinfection occurs, the worms can survive for decades in the mucosa of the upper small intestine Strongylidiasis light usually causes no symptoms, the infection being a nesting female adult worms in the duodenal mucosa causing feelings of burning, prickling in the epigastric region, accompanied by a sense of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea alternating with constipation. In the severe and chronic infections resulting in weight loss, anemia, chronic dysentery and mild fever caused by a secondary bacterial infection on intestinum.Death lesions can occur due to worm breeding females in almost all the intestinal epithelium, covers an area of the stomach up to the distal colon were accompanied secondary bacterial infection. (Natadisastra Agoes D and R, 2009). autoinfeksi may be the mechanism of the occurrence of long-term persistent infection and many tahun.Parasit and hospesnyan in the state of equilibrium so that no significant damage. If by any reason, the balance is disturbed and the patient's immune conditions declined, then the infection will spread and increase the production of larvae and larvae can be found in any body tissue. This is called the syndrome hiperinfeksi. (Gracia, 1977)
Factors - Factors Affecting worm disease
Defecation behavior is not the latrines contaminate soil by hookworm ova thereby increasing the risk of infection, especially in people or children - children who do not wear shoes kaki.Anak who live in families that have a habit of defecation in the garden and elsewhere the home page, hookworm infection risk 4.3 times greater than the children who lived with a family who has a habit of defecation in latrines. (Sumanto D, 2010)
Sanitation is a risk factor for the incidence of hookworm infection, children who live in homes with poor sanitation are at risk of 3.5 times greater than the hookworm-infected children living in homes with good sanitation. (Sumanto D, 2010)
Climatic factors such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, may be an important factor in the prevalence of Soil-Transmitted helminth infections in Bali. Low education levels, personal hygiene and poor environment, low socioeconomic and behavior are also other factors that effect. (Wijana DP and Sitisna P, 2000). Developed in rich countries and many parasitic diseases that can be eradicated, otherwise in poor and underdeveloped countries showed a higher prevalence of parasites. (Onggowaluyo JS, 2001)
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